Cave Rock Estates
General Improvement District (CREGID)

About Cave Rock Estates


Cave Rock is on the eastern shore of Lake Tahoe, between Zephyr Cove and Glenbrook, and is one of the most recognized landmarks at Lake Tahoe. It was formed about 5 million years ago as a volcanic vent. The name comes from the small caves on the west side, which were cut by waves when the lake was 140 feet higher during the ice ages. Today, US Highway 50 passes through Cave Rock via two tunnels, constructed in 1931 and 1957. The site is considered to be a holy spot for the native Washoe Indians who put their deceased to rest in the cold waters below the outcropping. This land is currently under the protection of the US Forest Service. Adjacent to this land, to the south, is Cave Rock Estates.


In the early 1960's a group of developers subdivided their land into approximately 110 properties, ranging in size from about 1/3 acre to just over a full acre. Being adjacent to the historic Cave Rock, they named their development Cave Rock Estates. Although a number of the parcels have been acquired by public entities, including the US Forest Service, the State of Nevada, and Douglas County, about eighty properties remain in private ownership.


About the General Improvement District


In Nevada, it is common practice that the maintenance of public facilities (roads, sewers, etc) within private developments be the responsibility of the property owners within the development. Under the authority of Nevada Revised Statutes (N.R.S.) 318, a county may establish a General Improvement District (GID) for this purpose. There are about fifteen different GID's in Douglas County. On October 6, 1975, the Board of Supervisors of Douglas County adopted Ordinance No. CR-2, creating the Cave Rock Estates General Improvement District (CREGID). The District is charged with the responsibility to improve and maintain the roads, curbs gutter, sidewalks, storm drains, water system, and street lighting within the Cave Rock Estates development. The District is governed by an elected five member board, which meets as needed (at least twice a year) to conduct the business of the District.


Doing Business with the District

As a public Agency in the State of Nevada, the District is required to conduct all business in accordance with the provisions of Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS). To comply with these obligations, specific procedures have been established by the District to conform with legal requirements and provide uniform treatment of vendors. Vendors should be familiar with state bidding requirements and follow instructions to ensure that submitted bids meet all requirements. For bidding purposes, projects are broken into three categories.
  • Projects less than $50,000: Informal quotes are obtained and purchase order or contract is issued to the vendor/contractor.
  • Projects between $50,000 and $100,000: At least 3 formal quotes are obtained and a contract is awarded to the successful contractor.
  • Projects over $100,000: A sealed bid process is conducted, and a contract is awarded to the successful contractor.
 One of the most important factors in determining the successful contractor is value. This value requirement is not necessarily the best or the cheapest of a particular item. The District determines value by need and application; the items deemed to be the most advantageous to the District and best suited. 

The District is exempt from sales tax on all regular purchases of supplies, equipment, and services pursuant to NRS 372.325. Taxes are not to be included in any proposal. 

Bid and/or performance bonds may be required with some bids. Specific instructions and explanations are included in the bid document. Payment terms should be specifically stated on the bid document. In a competitive market, a prompt payment discount may be a deciding factor in the bid award. Consideration for a prompt payment discount is a minimum of 20 days from invoice. Bids should always include freight costs in the total bid, unless otherwise stated. No additional charges for freight after the fact are allowed. 

Sealed bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope or package plainly marked with the bid number and title. Bids must be received before the date and time set for submission. Vendors should note that the bid receipt time and the bid opening time differ. Bids received after the date and time set for receipt will not be considered. Vendors are cautioned to proofread their bids carefully. No changes may be made to the bid after bid receipt deadline.  

All formally advertised bids are opened and read publicly. You are invited to attend a bid opening at any time. Bids are then tabulated and evaluated, with a recommendation being made to the Board of Trustees for award.

District bids are listed using the Public Purchase online bidding system.



Mark Holmlund - Chair
Dick Dernbach - Trustee, Secretary
Norman Hauge - Trustee, Treasurer
Perry Muhr - Trustee
Mike Smart - Trustee

Email Board Members

Cave Rock Estates
General Improvement District
PO Box 10426
Zephyr Cove NV 89448-2426
